Friday, April 22, 2016

ACTION ALERT! Ohio HB 353 up for testimony, Columbus State House, Tuesday, April 26 @ 3:30pm

HB 353 opponent testimony is being heard Tuesday April 26th at 3:30pm in Columbus. It hasn't gone away, and unless we oppose it with some force, many of us will likely have our names listed with the Sheriff's Department. 

Just think of the irony of someone that no longer must register whose name and whereabouts is no longer tracked because completed the registration period, yet people who reside with a registrant will go on a list of sorts...

(To recap, HB 353 will require registered persons to turn over the names of ALL adults living in the household to the Sheriff's office to be added to a list, and they will in turn get mail notifying them they are living with a registered citizen.)

Some of you have provided a statement and we thank you very much. We need statements from those that haven't, and even more so, people who can travel to Columbus this coming Tuesday. At least a couple of us will be headed down from Mansfield and we can try to accommodate others who wish to ride along or car pool. If planning to testify, keep in mind that statements need to be emailed to the Chair Jim Butler's aide at: or faxed directly to Jim Butler at 614-719-3591

We are available to help out those who wish to write a letter or statement. Your response is appreciated. (RSVP) Haven't heard from some of you in awhile, please let this be a time we do. 

Thank you, 

Note, I have already covered previous testimony regarding HB 353 on this blog. CLICK HERE to see a summary of my argument against HB 353.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! And if non-offending citizens aren't outraged/ terrified by now being listed on an OFFENDER registry there is no hope of stopping these people.

    Here in Florida non-offending citizens vehicle information is listed on the registry (and I thought that was crazy) this Ohio bill is horrifying.

    Imagine that. You live your whole life never committing a crime and now YOU'RE on a list, too! Maybe we should let this happen in every State? The registry would have millions upon millions of people on it instead of the "only" 800,000 currently listed.

    Good luck, my friends.


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